LUPIG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lúpig a inferior, outclassed.
Lúpig ku siyag ínum, He is no match for me when it comes to drinking.
Lúpig pa nímuy buguy, Youre worse than a hoodlum.
walay nothing is better than (lit.
out-classed by).
Way lúpig sa mag-amping, Theres nothing better than being careful.
Lúpig pa níyay galingan mukáun, He can consume more than a mill.
v {1} [A23S; a2b2] overpower, out-class.
Way makalupig sa íyang katabian, Nobody can outdo her in talkativeness.
Mubangka ku ug lupígun ku nímug bú, I will treat you if you beat me in arm wrestling.
{2} [AN; b(1)] exploit, take advantage over s.
by cheating.
Kusug siyang mulúpig (manlúpig) sa uban salig kay abugádu siya, Basing himself on his ability as a lawyer, he takes advantage of people.
ma-un a exploiting in a cruel way.
Malupígun ang mga Katsílà kaniadtu, The Spaniards were oppressive in former times.
paN- n taking advantage of s.
and cheating him out of s.t.

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