DAGANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
dagang n ring made of corncobs or similar material to set a pot on when it is o?
the stove so that it will not tilt.
v {1} [A13; c1] make a pot rest.
{2} [A; b5c1] use a pot rest.
-an n = dagang.
dágang n {1} the long feathers on the wings of fowls that enable them to fly.
{2} pen for writing literature (poetic usage).
mag-r-n writer of fine literature.
the stove so that it will not tilt.
v {1} [A13; c1] make a pot rest.
{2} [A; b5c1] use a pot rest.
-an n = dagang.
dágang n {1} the long feathers on the wings of fowls that enable them to fly.
{2} pen for writing literature (poetic usage).
mag-r-n writer of fine literature.