PILAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pilaw n vigil.
Dúgay kaáyu ang ámung pilaw sa minatay, We held a long vigil for the dead.
a {1} drowsy, sleepy.
{2} not having sleep.
v {1} [A123P; a4] become drowsy or feel sleepy.
Makapilaw (makapapilaw) man ning trabahúa, This work makes you sleepy.
Gipilaw na ku, Im sleepy.
{2} [A] take a nap, snatch sleep.
Mipilaw kug kadalì únà mutrabáhu, I took a quick nap before I went to work.
{3} [A; b] go without sleep, have a vigil.
Pilawan námug bantay ang kawatan, We will stay up all night watching for the robber.
tag- v [A2] take a quick nap.
Mutagpilaw ku kadiyut, Ill take a quick nap.
hatag-, hitag-v [B1246; b8] doze o?
Nahitagpilaw ku sa sinihan, I dozed o?
in the movies.

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