MANGGAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

manggad n {1} prized position, treasure, riches, wealth.
Náa sa baul ibutang ang ílang manggad, Their treasures are placed inside a trunk.
{2} dry goods.
Nabasà ang mga manggad nga íyang gisúruy, The dry goods he was peddling got wet.
v {1} [AB; c] treasure, hold s.t.
Wà sila magmanggad sa kabílin sa ílang katigulángan, They do not value the things their ances-tors left them.
Manggára (imanggad) ang íyang mga púlung, Treasure his words.
{2} [A] care for with devotion, lavish at-tention.
Way mumanggad sa ákung mga tanum ug mubyáhi ku, No one will tend to my plants if I go on a trip.
manggaránun a wealthy, rich.
Lagmit sa mga manggaránun mga garbúsu, The rich are usually arrogant.

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