YABI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

yábi n {1} key for a lock or for a winding mechanism.
{2} term for any wrench but a monkey wrench.
-ng balikù box wrench.
túbu, ditúbu n pipe wrench.
v {1} [A; b5] open or lock with a key.
Yabíhi ang kandádu, Open (close) the lock.
{2} [b6] goad s.
to anger with words.
Wà tà tu siya mangísug apan giyabíhan pung Putin, He wasnt angry then but Poten said s.t.
to goad him.
{2a} [A; b(1)] wind an operating mechanism.
Yabíhi ang duláan, Wind up the toy.
yabihánan n {1} keyhole.
{2} winding stud.
yabíra, yabíru n key holder.

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