SANG-AT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sang-at v [A; c] {1} put s.t.
up s.w.
Isang-at ni dihà sa paril arun dílì maabut sa irù, Put this on top of the fence so the dog cannot get at it.
{2} file a suit or complaint in court or petition with the proper authorities.
Ang piskal mauy nagsang-at sa kíha imbis ang tagtúngud, The district attorney filed the complaint in place of the aggrieved party.
hi-ha- v [B1256] 1 be put up high.
{2} for success or s.t.
that one desires to be located s.w.
Anhà sa paningkámut mahisang-at ang ímung kalampúsan, Your success rests on hard work.
-anan n shelf, usually higher than shoulder-level.

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