LAWUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lawud n deep open sea.
pitu ka seven seas.
see lábang.
v [A2NP; a] {1} go out into the deep sea, usually to fish.
Ug maáyu ang panahun mulawud (manglawud) ku karung gabíi, If the weather is good, I will go out to sea tonight.
Kinahanglang lawrun ta giyud ang malasugi, You have to go to the deep to get the sailfish.
{2} [A13] = lawudláwud.
lawudláwud v [A] be like a sea.
Naglawudláwud ang halapad nga humayan, The vast rice field is like a sea.
i-() n place toward town and away from rural areas.
v [AP; ac6P] go, bring s.t.
toward town.
i-= iláwud, v.
kalawran n seas.
kinalawran n deepest part of the sea.
lawudnun n of the seas.

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