SUSU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

súsu n {1} breast, the mammary gland or its analogous forma-tion in males.
{2} angular corners of pillows, sacks, and the like which can be taken hold of.
-g agtà n hornets nest hanging from a tree (lit.
an agtàs breast).
v {1} [A2S; b(1)] suckle.
Ang tútuy nga walà sus-i dílì bitay, Breasts that have not suckled a baby do not sag.
{2} [a12] hit in the chest, underneath the breasts toward the arm.
Ug sushun (susuhun) ug dunggab ang táwu, matigbak, If a man is stabbed on the side next to his breast, he will die right away.
pa- v [A; ac] feed with the breast or bottle.
Ayaw ni ipasúsu sa bátà kay dáan ning gatása, Dont give the baby this milk because it is not fresh.
sus-an a having a mammary gland or s.t.
like it.
Bitin nga sus-an ang gipakítà sa karnabal, They showed a snake with mammary glands in the carnival.
{2} mother with a nursing infant.
úmang sus-an see úmang.
ma-() n infant.

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