TAPIUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tapiun v {1} [A; c] press or lay ones hand on a part of the body.
Itapiun ang kamut sa nag-agus nga samad, Press your hand down on the bleeding wound.
{2} [A; b(1)] stifle progress, prevent from developing.
Imbis tabángan arun muasinsu tapin-an na hinúun níya, Instead of helping her improve, he stifles her progress.
{2a} sit on an application or papers, pigeonhole them.
Ug way mutapiun sa aplikisiyun, madáwat ka, If nobody pigeonholes your application, you will be accepted.
{3} [A2; c6] play a chord by pressing it with the fingers.
n chord of a guitar or any stringed instrument which is played by pressing with the fingers.

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