BALU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

balu I dont know.
Balu lag háin siya, I dont know where he is.
v = hi-ha-.
hi-ha- v {1} [B1236; b] know s.t.
, how to do s.t.
Kahibalu ka bang mulanguy?
Do you know how to swim?
Nakahibáwu ku nga nagdaut ka, I found out you were sick.
Dì ku gustung hibaw-an (hibal-an) ang tinagúan, I dont want the secret to be known.
{2} [B1236] take care of a problem.
Akuy mahibalu sa tanan, Ill take care of everything.
hibal-anay, hibaw-anay v [c3] know s.t.
about each other.
Naghibaw-anay kami sa ámung sikrítu, We know each others secrets.
pahi- v [A; ac] inform, announce.
n announcement.
May pahibalu nga walay klási, Theres an announcement that therell be no classes.
kahi- n knowledge.
May kahibalu aku sa makina, I have knowl-edge about engines.
manggihibalúun a learned.

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