KATAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kátay v {1} [AN; b(1)] for plants to creep or climb onto s.t.
Nakakátay na ang kamúti sa tibuuk baul, The sweet potato vines have spread all over the field.
Ang kural nga gikatáyan sa bágun, The fence the vines were climbing on.
{2} [B3(1)6; aP] for news, fire, and the like to spread.
Mikátay dáyun ang balità, The news spread quickly all over the place.
Dakùdakung lunà ang gikatáyan sa súnug, The fire spread over a wide area.
pina- n longhand writing.
ka- v [A13] for s.t.
to trail in a scattered way behind s.t.
moving forward.
Nagkakátay ang tinái sa hidunggaban, The intestines of the stabbing victim trailed behind him.
-an(), -ánan n s.t.
on which vines climb.

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