KUNTRABANDU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kuntrabandu n contraband.
v [B1256] be classified as contra-band.
Makuntrabandu giyud ang butang nga dílì ipaági sa kus-tum, Smuggled goods that dont pass the Customs can be called contraband.
kuntrabandista n smuggler, one who deals in con-traband goods.
v [B156] be a smuggler.
kuntrabída n {1} a villain in a drama or story.
{2} one who acts like a villain, spoiling or opposing s.t.
Kuntrabída kaáyu nà si Máma uy, dì ku patambúngun sa parti, Mother is a killjoy, she wont let me attend the party.
v [B156; c1] be, become the villain in a drama.

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