BYAHI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

byáhi n {1} trip, journey.
Bálud tung byahía uy!
That was a rough trip.
{2} trip, single run of a vehicle between two points.
Alas dúsi ang katapúsang byáhi, The last trip is at twelve.
v {1} [A; b6] take a trip.
Nagbyáhi sila sa Amirika, They took a trip to America.
{2} [A; c] for a public conveyance to make its run.
Ayaw ibyáhi ang dyip ug dì pa punù, Dont dispatch the jeep before it is full.
byahian v [A13] take a run s.w.
byahidur n one who travels often.

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