PUTUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

putus n {1} wrapper.
{1a} membranous covering of organs or parts of organs in the body of animals.
{2} small bundle, pack-age.
{3} male genitalia (humorous).
Mihulma nang putus mu ánang hugut nímung karsúnis, Your pants are so tight they show your genitals.
{4} an infant born wrapped inside a thin mem-branous covering which must be pinched open to save the infant from su?
A baby born in this manner is said to be likely to grow into a strong and quick-tempered adult.
v {1} [A; a] wrap s.t.
Unsa may ímung gipustan (giputus) sa kík?
What did you use to wrap the cake?
{2} [B1245; c1] be full of or covered with.
Naputus ang bátà sa núka, The child is covered with sores.
Pustun tikag haluk, I will smother you with kisses.
paN- [A2] pack up for a journey.
Mamutus na ku pára sa byáhi, Ill pack up for the trip.

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