KABIBA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kabiba, kabíba v {1} [A; c1] carry s.t.
strapped or slung over the shoulder.
Hasta bátà nga gamay kabibahan pa giyud ug putus, Even the small child has to carry a package over her shoulders.
{2} [A; b6(1)] wear s.t.
wrapped around the torso.
Nagkabíba siyang nalígù, She took a bath with s.t.
wrapped around her body.
{3} [A; c1] {a} make into a shoulder strap.
{b} make into a chemise or s.t.
to wrap around the body.
n {1} shoulder strap.
{2} loose chemise or anything wrapped around the torso.

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