BUNUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

búnul v [A; a] {1} bruise s.t.
Ayaw bunúla ang kamátis, Dont bruise the tomatoes.
Nabúnul na ang íyang láwas, His body is badly bruised.
{2} make soil, clay, firm and compact.
Nabúnul na ang daruhan nga inyung giagían kanúnay, The field you keep walking over has become hard.
() n infected subcutaneous injury due to a blow.
v {1} [B26] for a bruise to become infected.
Nabunul ang ákung bun-ug, My bruise turned into a boil.
{2} [a4b4] get an infected bruise.
Gibunul (gibunulan) ákung pálad, The palm of my hand got an infected bruise.

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