DAYUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dáyun {1} immediately, at once.
Milakaw siya dáyun, He imme-diately walked away.
Walà dáyun níya himatikdi ang ulitáwu, She did not notice the young man at once.
Karun dáyun, This very instant.
pútung = -in-, 2.
{2} do as the next thing.
Mikáun siyag maáyu, dáyun natúlug, He ate a good dinner and then went to sleep.
{2a} sa [gen.
] nga [verb base] [gen.
] was (will be) about to [do].
(Sa) dáyun ku nang káun miabut sila, As I was about to eat they arrived.
Iságul ang tunù sa dáyun na nímung háun, Mix in the coconut milk just before you take it o?
the stove.
{3} eternity.
Ang dáyung pahúlay, Eternal rest.
v {1} [A23] do s.t.
Ngánung mudáyun ka man lang ug kasukù?
Why do you flare up immediately?
{1a} [a2] be killed at the first cockfight.
Kanang túbù niánang báya dì giyud nà dayúnun, The cocks that are raised at that house will not be killed in the first cockfight.
{2} [B36] remain as it is for long.
Hináut nga magdáyun ang íyang kabuútan, I hope his good behavior will remain unchanged.
{3} [a12] get pos-session of s.t.
borrowed by keeping it forever.
Íya na giyung gidáyun ang íyang gihulamang sapátus nákù, He took over the shoes that he borrowed from me.
{4} [C; a12] push through in marriage.
Nagkadáyun sila, They got married.
{5}, {6} = dayun, 1, 2.
() {1} [a3b4] for s.t.
bad to come into being, be pushed through to reality.
Ayaw pagdunggabdunggab nákù kay madayun (madayunan) unyà nà, Dont pretend to stab me, be-cause you might just end up doing it.
{2} [B23; c1] proceed to carry s.t.
Dì ku mudayun (madayun) paglarga kay hápun na, I will not proceed to leave because its already late.
Dayu-nun (idayun) ba ni nímug baligyà?
Will you push through with your plan to sell it?
{3a} [A2; b6] go into a house.
Dayun lang, Come on in!
Dì na lang ku mudayun, I wont come in.
{3b} stay at a house.
Háin ka karun dayun?
Where are you staying now?
pa- v [A; c1] continue doing s.t.
Padayúna (ipadáyun) ang ímung kakúgi, Continue your industriousness.
hiN-haN-() v [a4] be pushed through.
Wà sila mahinayun sa Karkar, They ended up not going to Carcar.
Wà mahinayun ang balay pag-baligyà, In the end the house wasnt sold after all.
gilayun do s.t.
Gilayun siyang milarga, He immediately left.
-in-n {1} process of cooking coconut oil where the juice is cooked o?
at once and not set aside to ferment.
{2} pútung -in- n pútu made from cassava or sweet potatoes without drying the meat.
dumaláyun a lasting, eternal.
Dílì dumaláyun ang kalípayng lawasnun, Earthly happiness is not eternal.
ka-an n eternity.

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