MAN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

man {1} because.
Kay ang íya dapit man sa dáhun, mamúnga dáyun, Because his part was the part with the leaves, it would bear fruit quickly.
ugud because (giving an explanation).
Na-matay ang tanum kay wà man gud bùbúi, The plant died be-cause no one watered it.
{2} after an interrogative: particle to make the question not abrupt.
Háin man siya?
Could you tell me where he is?
{3} particle with a statement contradicting a previous statement or presumption.
Dì man nà mau, Thats not the one.
{4} particle with a statement giving information.
Nía man si Pidru karung buntága, Oh, Pedro is here this morning.
diay I notice that.
Nindut man diay ka kaáyung mukanta!
Oh, I see you sing very beautifully.
kahà [so-and-so] apparently is the case.
Kami man kahay muluhud, anus-a man ang kasal?
We are supposed to sponsor you, so when is the wedding going to be?
Dì lang ka tagáan.
Dì man kahà ka gustu, I wont give you any.
You apparently wont want any, anyway.
lagi I notice [so-and-so] is the case, nevertheless.
Ingun siya dì ka muanhi.
Nía ka man lagi, He said you werent coming, but here you are!
{5} in other phrases: ingun as well as.
Mubuhis ang tagasyudad ingun man ang tagabaryu, The city people, as well as the barrio folks, pay taxes.
mau gánì thats why, despite what you would expect .

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