BASA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bása v [A3S; ab2] {1} read.
Dílì ku makabasa, I cannot read.
Wà ku kabasa ánà, I havent had a chance to read that.
Basáha ang Biblíya, Read the Bible.
Basáhi siya, Read to him.
Hibasa-han gánì ni Tátay ang sulat sa ímung trátu, If Father reads your boy friends love letter.
{2} interpret signs, omens.
Inighuman ug urasiyun sa básu, basáhun dáyun sa tambálan ang ímung mga sakit, After the shaman says the magic words into a glass, he will read your sickness in it.
{3} [a3] understand, get the meaning.
Nabása ku sa ímung mata nga gihigugma mu siya gi- hápun, I can read in your eyes that you still love him.
hiN-() a fond of reading.
kabasahun a feel very much like reading.
bal-asahun n reading matter.
mag-r-l-(), um-r-l-() n the readers of a certain publication.
tig- a in the habit of reading.

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