PUPHU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

puphu v {1} [AN; a] scoop up with the hands.
Siyay mipu-phu (namuphu) sa bugas nga naúsik, She scooped up the rice that spilled.
Magpuphu ku sa mga sagbut nga ákung sinilhig, Ill pick up the trash that I swept.
{2} [A12; a3] gather infor-mation, earnings.
Nakapuphu ang pulis ug dúgang kasayúran báhin sa túlis, The police have gathered additional information on the robbery.
Íyang napuphu ang íyang minilyun gíkan sa íyang patigáyun sa trúsu, He earned his millions from his log-ging business.
{3} [A; a12] annihilate, wipe out of existence en masse.
Sakit mauy mipuphu sa tanang pumupúyù, Pestilence wiped out the whole population.
puphuay = bùbuay, see bùbù.
see also paluphu.

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