TUBUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tubud v {1} [A; b6] flow in a steady stream.
Mitubud ang dugù sa dakung samad, Blood flowed from the big wound.
Sandayung ang tuburan sa ulan, The rain flowed out of the gutter.
{2} [B46] for liquid to leak out of a container or boat.
Nagtubud ang sakayan maung sígi kung gahinúbig, The boat sprung a leak so I kept bailing out water.
n {1} water spring.
{2} leak.
pa-, pa-() sa úhung v [A] make people believe s.t.
about oneself which is impossible (lit.
make a water flow from a mushroom).
Nagpatúbud na sad sa úhung ang hambugíru, The boaster is bragging again.
Ayaw pagpatúbud dinhi kay suhítu mi sa ímung kaláki, Dont try to talk big around here because we know what you are.
tuburan n {1} spring.
{2} source of s.t.
that gushes in abundance.
Diyus nga tuburan sa kalúuy, All-merciful (lit.
giver of all mercy) God.
tinubdan n source, origin.
Tinubdan sa sapà, The brooks source.
Tinubdan sa balità, Source of news.

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