PALTA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

palta v {1} [A; a2] fail to do s.t.
Walà pa ku makapalta sa ákung klási, I never missed a class.
Napalta ug hatud run ang Tayims, The Times wasnt delivered today.
{2} [A; a12] break up people fighting.
Gipalta sa pulis ang duha ka batan-un nga nagsinumbagay, The policeman separated the two youngsters who were engaged in a fist fight.
n {1} failure to attend some function.
{2} fail to do s.t.
Way palta ang íyang pagbisíta magabíi, He never failed to visit her in the evening.
{3} amount less in a score, amount lacking in a count.
Palta úna ug tabla na kamu, One more point and youll be even.
Ang ímung ihap kúlang.
Palta ug duha, You counted wrong.
You lack two.
kúhà ug v [b(1)] be held culpable.
Makuháag palta ang mga ginikánan nga kinamatayun nga mukastígu ug anak, Parents can be held culpable if they punish their children too severely.
hiN- a tending to be absent.
paltik n {1} homemade firearms.
{2} fake money.
{3} in base-ball, foul ball.
{4} s.
who rides s.t.
or enters without a ticket.
Daghang paltik sa ílang pasahíru, There were lots of non-paying passengers.
paN- v [A2] go s.w.
without a ticket.
Náay ákung amígu sa sini.
Mamaltik ta, I have a friend that works in the theater.
Lets sneak in.

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