KULANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kúlang a lacking, deficient.
Kúlang ra ni pára nákù, This is not enough for me.
{2} too puny to pose a challenge.
Kúlang ka ra nákù, You want to fight?
Youre not strong enough to pose a challenge.
n balance, the amount needed or lacking.
Pilay kúwang?
How much is needed?
v {1} [B; ab7] be wanting, lacking, deficient.
Dì kita makalingkud kay nagkúlang ang lingkuránan, We cant take a seat.
There are not enough chairs.
Ayawg kulánga pagsuklì, Dont fail to give the right amount of change.
Arun ka makaganansiya, kulángi ug gamay ang takus, If you want to make a greater profit, make the measure a little bit short.
{2} [A13] not give s.
his proper due or attention.
Nanglaki ang asáwa tungud kay nagkúlang kaníya ang íyang bána, The wife took up with other men be-cause her husband didnt give her adequate a?
{3} dílì, walay v [B2456; a4] be not less than.
Dílì makúlang (kulángun) sa singkuwinta ang mitambung, The number of people who came is not less than fifty.
ka-an n deficiency, shortcomings.
Pasaylúa aku sa ákung mga kakulángan, Forgive me for my shortcomings.
kulangkulang a mentally retarded, slightly lacking in intelligence for the age.
v [B126; a12] become mentally deficient.
-un a not quite enough.
Kulángun ra ning usa ka bábuy sa mga bisíta, One pig is not enough for the visitors.
-an a lacking a lot to reach the proper amount.
Kulángan kaáyu ning usa ka sáku, This isnt a whole sackful.
Theres a lot missing.

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