TABLUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tablug v {1} [AB; c] swing, make a swinging motion.
Mutablug ang kawáyan kun hangínun, The bamboo poles swing to and fro when the wind blows them.
Siyay nagtablug sa dúyan nákù sa gamay pa ku, She rocked my cradle when I was young.
{2} [A; c] throw s.t.
out with a swinging motion.
Gitablug níla sa barku ang mga patay, They threw the dead men overboard.
Tablúgan ta unyà ka ug inínit, Ill throw hot water on you, if you dont watch out.
() n rope or cloth that holds up a hammock.
tablugtablug v [A] dangle as a result of almost being cut o?
Nagtablugtablug ang íyang tudlù nga hápit maputul, His finger that was almost cut is dangling.

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