TUBAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

túbay v [A2C; b(1)] keep on doing s.t.
Dì siya mutúbay ug tra-báhu kay pul-ánun, He does not keep working for long because he gets bored easily.
Aku ray nakatúbay ug pamínaw sa taas nga sirmun, I was the only one left that kept on listening to the long sermon.
Nagtúbay silag ínum hangtud sa buntag, They kept their drinking spree going until morning.
ma-un a s.
ca-pable of keeping on doing s.t.
Matubáyun sa trabáhu, One who sticks to a piece of work.
túbig n {1} water.
buyag sa see buyag, n2.
sa butung water in the young coconut.
Túbig sa butung ang ákung gustung im-nun, I want to drink water of the young coconut.
{2} score in a game of tubigtúbig.
v {1} [B2] become water.
Natúbig ang ayis drap, The popsicle melted.
{2} sa úlu [a12] master in ones mind.
Tubíga sa ímung úlu kining kúd, Master this code.
() v {1} [A; b] put, mix with water.
Tubigi ang wiski ug ísug ra, Add water into the whiskey if it is too strong.
{2} [AP; bP] irrigate.
Gipatubigan (gitubigan) ang basak, The rice paddy was irri-gated.
{3} [B456] water, produce liquid.
Mutubig ákung bàbà ug makakità kug sambag, My mouth waters if I see tamarinds.
Nagtubig ang íyang núka, His sore is watering.
paN-() v {1} [A2; b6] fill glasses with water.
Panubig diri, Give us some wa-ter.
{2} [A2; b6(1)] get ones water s.w.
Ang mga taga isla adtu manubig sa unay, People from small islands get their water from the mainland.
hiN-v [AN; b] bail water out.
Sígi kung hinúbig kay milikì ang luwang, I kept bailing water out because the bilge leaked.
n instrument for bailing.
hiN-an() n place water is bailed out from.
pa-() n irrigation system.
tubignun n water spirit.
tubigtubig n k.
skin disease characterized by itchiness and tiny pustules with watery discharge.
v [B146; a4b4] have tubigtubig.
tubigtúbig n childs game played with two teams of an o?
ensive and defensive side.
Two rows of adjacent squares are drawn, two squares for each defensive player.
The o?
ensive team aims to get in and back through the series of squares with-out being touched by the defensive team whose movements are restricted.
A point, called túbig, is made when a player gets in and back through the squares untouched.
v [A1; b6] play tubigtúbig.
tubigtubigan a well-to-do; s.
having much money on hand.
v [B126; b8] become well-o?

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