LABAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

labay v {1} [A2; a] go, pass by s.t.
, bring s.t.
by s.w.
Milabay lang ku, wà ku muhapit, I just passed by, I didnt drop in.
Nakal-abay na ba ang dyip?
Has the jeep passed by yet?
Labyun ku unyà tung ákung nalimtan sa inyu, Ill come by to get the thing I forgot at your house.
Gilabyan lang ku nímu, You just passed by me.
Ilabay kining sud-an unyà sa íla, Bring this food by to them on your way.
{2} [b(1)] pass over, bypass.
Gilabyan níya ang ákung ngálan sa pagpanghímug prumusyun, He passed my name over when he made the list of promotions.
{3} [A2] for time to pass.
Milabay ang daghang katuígan, Years passed.
a passing, short-lived.
Labay lang ning hangína kay unus man, This strong wind is only temporary.
It is just a squall.
pa-v [A; c1] let s.t.
pass by.
Magpalabay ku sa ákung kasukù únà ku muulì, I will let my anger pass before I go home.
Pal-abyun (ipalabay) lang tu nákung íyang sulti, I just wont mind what she says.
-um-r-, -um-r-() n {1} people passing back and forth.
{2} passing, transient.
pa {1} beyond.
Ang íla labay pa sa pusti, Their place is just beyond the post.
{2} in addition, even more.
Maáyu siyang mutrabáhu, labay pa musayu siyag anhi, He works well and furthermore, he comes early.
Duha ka túig ka didtu sa Amirika?
Labay pa, You were two years in the States?
More than that.
{3} surely, even more than sure.
Makapasar kahà ka?
Labay pa, Do you think you can pass?
Most assuredly.

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