USA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

usa n doe.
úsà short forms: sà, usà.
{1} before [do]ing.
Úsà ka mulakaw hipúsa ang ímung kwartu, Before you go out, fix your room.
{2} do [so-and-so] beforehand.
Mag-ílis úsà ku sa dì pa ta man-glákaw, Ill change my clothes first before we go out.
{3} for now, for the time being.
Ibutang úsà diri, Put it down here for the moment.
Ayaw úsag lakaw, Dont go for the while.
pa {3a} wait a minute.
Úsà pa gánì, Wait a minute, will you?
Úsà pa kay ákung tawgun, Just a second, because Im going to call him.
{3b} just a second, to change the subject.
Úsà pa diay, kinsa tu ka?
By the way, who did you say you were?
{4} ka you just wait.
Gihilabtan giyud nímu nang ákung búhat dà.
Úsà ka giyud run, You touched my work, did you?
Well you just wait whats going to happen now.

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