LIGDUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ligdung a {1} upright.
Ligdung kaáyu siya sa íyang trabáhu.
Dì manáwat ug suburnu, He is very upright in his work.
He wont accept bribes.
{2} keeping in ones place, proper and refined in deportment.
Usa siya ka táwu nga ligdung ug dílì maakuakuhun, He keeps in his place and is not presumptuous.
{3} serene in demeanor, but dignified and reserved.
Ligdung kaáyu siyang manubagtubag, She answers with very dignified reserve.
v [B1; a12] be upright, refined, and stay in ones place.
ka-n doing what is proper to ones station.
Ipakítang ímung kaligdung; pangáyug katahúran, ayaw ipabundak ang ngálan sa ímung isigkatáwu, ayawg tubagtubag sa mga tigúlang, Show you know how to be-have: greet people, dont address people without using a title, dont talk back to old people.

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