KUYAP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kuyap n {1} fainting spell.
Magpalit kug ítir kay tambal nà sa kuyap, Ill buy a bottle of ether, as a medicine for dizzy spells.
{2} a condition of slight nausea and drowsiness caused by eat-ing certain foods, esp.
greasy ones.
v [A123P; b4] {1} faint.
Gikuyapan ang babáyi nga napunáwan sa dugù, The woman fainted from loss of blood.
{2} feel slight nausea and drowsi-ness after eating s.t.
Kuyapan ku ug mukáun ug tinunuan, I feel somewhat nauseous and drowsy when I eat food cooked in coconut milk.
-l-an() n prone to fainting.

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