PUHAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

puhaw a {1} for a color or voice quality to be lacking its full in-tensity.
Puhaw na kaáyu ang ímung sinínà sa tantung linadlad, Your skirt is all faded from being put under the sun.
Puhaw ang íyang pamánit kay bag-ung naáyu sa sakit, His complexion is pale because he has just recently recovered from his illness.
Ang puhaw ug tíngug dílì mahímung mag-aawit, One with a weak voice cannot become a singer.
{2} become embarrassed.
v {1} [B; c1] get to lose its full quality.
Napuhaw ang buhuk pagkinalígù sa dágat, His hair turned blond from swimming so much.
{2} [A3P; ab3(1)] embarrass s.
Napuhaw siya kay wà tagda sa íyang gikutána, She was embarrassed because the man she asked didnt pay any attention to her.
pamuhawpuhaw v [A2] for the face to change colors in embarrassment.
Namuhaw-puhaw ku dihang giingnan ku níyang wà kuy batásan, My face turned all colors of the rainbow when she told me I had no manners.

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