PAGA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pága v [A; b] pay in full.
Gipagáhan na nákù ang bayranan sa iskuylahan, I have paid the tuition fees in full.
distínu = pagádu distínu.
midiya half fare.
-du n paid o?
Pagádu na ang útang, The debt has been paid o?
v [B125] get paid up.
-du distínu for a passengers fare to be paid on arrival.
Pagádu distínu ang ákung paglakaw, My trip was on the payment-upon-arrival basis.
v [A] travel on the payment-upon-arrival basis.
-díru distínu = pagádu distínu.
-dur n paymaster.
v [B156] become the paymaster.

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