BATYAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

batyag v {1} [A; b8] notice, be aware of s.t.
Wà ku makabatyag sa ulan kay nahinánuk aku, I didnt notice the rain because I was sound asleep.
Nabatyagan ku siya nga milabay dinhi, I noticed him passing by here.
{2} [A3P] make s.
Ang paghut sa irù nakabatyag (nakapabatyag) kanákù nga dinhay misulud, The dogs barking made me aware that s.
had come in.
{3} [A2N; a12Nb2] have physical sensations.
Mubatyag ka gánì sa kutukutu mu, risulta na nà sa ínum, If you feel pain in the pit of your stomach, its the result of drinking.
Pamatyágun (batyágun) nímu ang kasakit unyà, You will feel the pain later.
n feeling, sensation.
Pamatyag sa kaluud, A sensation of vomiting.

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