KUNU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kunu short form: nu {1} it is said, s.
Namatay kunu ag pilútu, They say the pilot died.
{2} with imperatives: particle used to person with whom one is familiar implying that he is not under obligation to obey iti.
, is not a person one has a right to command: please, do me a favor and .
Itúnul kunu nang libru, Do me a favor and hand me the book.
{2a} followed or preceded by verb: do [so-and-so] as a trial.
Ikuniktar kunu nátù ring alambri, tingáli ug muandar na ang makina, Try connecting this wire.
Perhaps the engine will start.
{3} in conditions: on the chance that.
Madúgay pa ba nu ku dinhi kay muanhi siya, If I stay here long, he will come.
Ákung gihípus kay básin kunu magámit unyà, I kept it on the chance that we might be able to use it later.
kunhun take s.
to be ignorant of s.t.
Akuy kun-hun nímu nga kadúgay na nákù niíni, You take me for ignorant when Ive been at this for such a long time.
paN- v [A] show one is uncertain of s.t.
by saying kunu.
Dì kaáyu siya sigúru kay nangunu, Hes not that certain because he said they said.
kunúhay {1} allegedly, they say, but Im not sure whether or not it is true.
Pipila ka mga pulitiku nga nagsabutsábut kunúhay tu, A few politicians who were allegedly making agreements un-der the table.
{2} do s.t.
to make a show of being a certain thing.
Arun pagrispitar nanghúnung kunúhay mi ug paghungit, In order to show respect we made a pretense of stopping eating for the moment.
Nagpakítà siya sa íya kunúhay nga pagka-manggihunàhunáun, He is displaying his supposed thoughtful-ness.
Ayaw ug katáwa kay nangísug kunúhay ka, Dont laugh.
Youre supposed to be angry.
{1a} be supposedly.
Ísug kunúhay kadì ka muhílak ug sugsúgun, Youre supposed to be brave.
You shouldnt cry if they tease you.
{2} particle giving an excuse for doing s.t.
in preparation.
Namalit kunúhay mi sa dì pa musáka ang bili, We are buying food before the prices go up.
{3} par-ticle belittling s.
s accomplishments.
Prisidinti kunúhay kanà siya sa kapunúngan, Hes the so-called president of their orga-nization.
{3a} particle of modesty detracting from ones own or ones familys accomplishments.
Magsusúlat kunúhay kining ákung bána, ug kini mauy bugtung níyang pangítà, My husband is a writer, you know, and thats how he earns his livelihood.

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