LUUY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lúuy a pitiful.
Lúuy kaáyu ang mga ílung tuwápus, Orphans are very pitiful.
v [B1256; b5c] have pity, mercy on s.
; give s.t.
out of pity.
Ayaw táwun kug patya, malúuy ka, Dont kill me.
Have mercy.
Limus, Dung, kaluy-i (kaluy-a) ang kabus, Alms, lad.
Have pity on the poor.
Ihátag lag suklì ikalúuy lang nà sa draybir, Just give the change to the driver out of kindness.
paki-, pakima- v [A; c] {1} beg for mercy.
Nagpakilúuy (nag-pakimalúuy) sila sa asindírung hakug, They beg for mercy from the greedy landowner.
{2} plead.
Mipakilúuy (mipakimalúuy) siya nga dì nákù byáan, She begged me not to leave her.
n pleading for mercy.
ka- n pity, mercy.
Kalúuy sa Diyus, Thanks be to God.
maluluy-un a kind, merciful.
makalulúuy a inspiring pity.

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