SAMU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

samu short for sa ímu it doesnt matter to me.
Samu ug madáut, maáyu man ug ákù nang mutur, I dont care if the motorcycle gets broken; it is not mine anyway.
lang {1} never mind, dont take it to heart.
Samu lang ug wà iúlì ang libru, ákù man tà tung ihátag níya, Never mind if she didnt return the book.
I was going to give it to her anyway.
{2} it doesnt matter.
I accept the situation with good grace.
Samu lag pagawpaw ang yútà.
Dì ku man nà tamnan, It doesnt matter if the land is barren.
I wasnt going to plant anything on it anyway.

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