RUSAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
rúsas n {1} rose.
{2} = rúsa.
dihapun, dipapil kinds of chrysan-themums.
dipúkì = púkì, 2.
di- a rose-colored.
Dirúsas ang ákung páyung, My umbrella is rose-colored.
v [A12] anything that is wrong with (humorous euphemism).
Ang nakadirúsas nímu kay dì ka kamau, The thing thats wrong with you is that you dont know how.
{2} = rúsa.
dihapun, dipapil kinds of chrysan-themums.
dipúkì = púkì, 2.
di- a rose-colored.
Dirúsas ang ákung páyung, My umbrella is rose-colored.
v [A12] anything that is wrong with (humorous euphemism).
Ang nakadirúsas nímu kay dì ka kamau, The thing thats wrong with you is that you dont know how.