DUGHAN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dughan n {1} chest, breast.
Ipahigdà ang bátà sa íyang dughan, Lay the child on its chest.
Bugdu nga dughan, A full bosom.
{2} breast, as seat of emotions.
Mikúba ang ákung dughan, My heart beat rapidly.
{2a} sakit ang be deeply worried about some situation.
Nagsakit ang ákung dughan ánang batáa kay dì magtuun, Im worried about that child because he doesnt study.
{3} part around the chest of a garment.
Guut ang dughan sa ákung sinínà, My dress is narrow around the chest.
v [A; a12] hit in the breast.
-un a full-breasted, buxom.
-un ug tiyan a pot-bellied (humorous).

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