BUG-AT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bug-at a {1} heavy.
{2} di?
cult to accomplish, onerous.
Bug-at nga taríya, Di?
cult task.
Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy re-sponsibility.
{3} heavy punishment, sorrows.
Bug-at nga sílut, Heavy punishment.
{4} grave, serious accusation.
Bug-at ang pasángil nga gipahamtang kanímu, A grave accusation has been leveled against you.
{5} for the muscles to be fatigued.
Bug-at ning ákung buktun pagkinúgus nímu, My arms are exhausted from holding you.
{6} ang balatían dislike s.t.
Bug-at ang balatían nákù ánang nangulitáwu sa ákung anak, I dislike the man that is courting my daughter very much.
{7} ang buut {7a} = ang balatían.
{7b} be against ones will.
Gitugtan ku níya bisan bug-at sa íyang buut, He allowed me to do it even if it was against his will.
ang dughan be heavy-hearted, depressed.
ang dugù = ang balatían.
ang kúmù pack a heavy punch.
nga masúgù gives commands in such a way that they must be ac-complished rapidly and well.
ang nawung long-faced, unsmiling.
v [B; b6] {1} become heavy, onerous, grave.
{2} ang balatían, buut, dughan, dugù, nawung be disgusted, against ones wishes, get a heavy heart, long-faced, etc.
Ug manamkun ang ákung asáwa mubug-at ang íyang dugù magtan-aw nákù, When my wife is in the early stages of pregnancy, she cant stand to look at me.
Mubug-at íyang nawung ug sugúun, She gets a long face when I tell her to do s.t.
paN- v [A2] {1} lift heavy things.
Nabughat siya kay namug-at man, He had a relapse because he lifted heavy things.
{2} to sti?
en in order to become heavier.
Lisud kang sakwátun kay mamug-at ka, You are hard to lift be-cause you make yourself rigid.
panghiN- v = paN-, 2.
pahiN-{1} = paN-, 2.
{2} [A; b6] load s.t.
on s.
Gipahimug-atan ang mutsatsa sa trabáhu maung mipaúlì, The work was loaded on the maid, so she returned home.
pa- n weight to weigh s.t.
ka-un(), gi-un() n {1} weight.
{2} impor-tance, influence.
Ayawg tagáig gibug-atun tung kasabáa, Dont give his reprimands any importance.
see also tumuy.

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