TUMUY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tumuy n {1} tip, end, top.
Tumuy sa búkid, Top of the moun-tain.
Tumuy sa sundang, Tip of the knife.
Tumuy sa karsáda, End of the road.
{2} glans penis (euphemism).
bug-at ang not having indulged in sexual acts for quite a long time (humorous euphemism).
v [C; a1c3] do s.t.
at the end, tip of s.t.
Nag-áway sila maung nagtúmuy paglingkud sa bangkù, They had a quar-rel; that is why they are sitting on opposite ends of the bench.
Tumuya paggúnit ang pulbult, Hold the pole vault at the end.

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