TRATAR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tratar v [A; a12] {1} treat, bear oneself toward.
Maáyung mu- tratar kaníla ang ílang inaína, Their stepmother treats them well.
{2} attend to s.t.
Mitratar dáyun ang mayur sa prublíma sa mga iskwátir, The mayor immediately attended to the prob-lem of the squatters.
{3} treat, deal with a question.
Unsay gitratar sa párì sa íyang sirmun?
What did the priest talk about in his sermon?
tratamyintu n {1} treatment accorded to one.
Maáyu ang íyang tratamyintu sa mga míd, He treats the maids well.
{2} treatment, dealing with s.t.
that needs attention.
{3} treatment, discussion of a question.

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