SUGUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sugut v {1} [A2; a12] agree to do s.t.
, acquiesce.
Musugut siya ug akuy mupakúhà níya sa libru, He will agree to do it if I will send him to get the book.
Ug sugtun nímu nang matánga sa pagbáhin, maalkansi ka, If you accept that division, you will be at a disadvantage.
{1a} [A23] agree to let s.
do s.t.
Musugut ba si Máma mu nga mutan-aw ka ug sini?
Will your mother agree to let you go to the show?
{2} [A2; a12] accept as ones fiancee.
Dì siya musugut ni Pidru kay sugarul, She will not say yes to Pedro because he is a gambler.
a willing to accept or comply.
Sugut kag dì ka bahínan?
Are you willing not to take a share?
masinugtánun a amenable to requests.

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