DAYUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dáyung v {1} [A3SC; bc3] for two or more people to accomplish s.t.
together, most commonly carrying.
Dayúngi lang nà ninyu kay bug-at, Carry that together because it is heavy.
Dayúngan lang nílag bugsay ang surambáwan, The fishermen just row their large fishing boat together.
{2} [A2C2; bc3] share joys and sorrows.
Magdáyung gayud ta sa kalípay ug kasákit, We will share our happiness and sorrows with each other.
{3} ug túig v [C3] for siblings (not twins) to be born in the same year.
Nagdáyung mig túig sa ákung manghud, My younger brother and I were both born in the same year.
-an() n stick or pole used for carrying s.t.
hanging by holding on to each end.
ka- n person with whom one carries s.t.
or shares sorrows and joys.

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