BALA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

balà (not without l) v [A; a12] find out information about an event that has happened (who stole s.t.
, where s.t.
stolen or lost is, who committed a crime, etc.
) by means of an egg.
The egg is made to stand on its end on the edge of a tumbler.
Then a yes-no question is put to it.
If the answer is yes, the egg remains upright.
If the answer is no, the egg falls.
Balaun ang bábuy kay sigúrung gikáwat tu, Well divine information about the pig, because it surely was stolen.
balad-un n omen, a sign which prophesizes s.t.
Ang kumíta mauy usa ka bad-un nga may umaábut nga kagúbut, A comet is a sign of a forthcoming war.
tiking balad-un phrase used to address the gecko (house lizard) in asking him to foretell whether s.t.
will happen.
The question is put to the gecko before he sounds.
After he sounds the question is repeated.
If the gecko sounds an odd number of times the answer is a?
If even, the answer is negative.
Tiking balad-un, muulan ugmà?
Prophet gecko, will it rain tomorrow?

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