BISITA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bisíta n {1} visitor, guest.
Abiabíha ang átung mga bisíta, En-tertain our visitors.
{2} monthly menstruation (slang).
Gi-tunghà ka na sa bisíta mu karung bulána?
Has your visitor arrived this month?
v {1} [A3N; b5] go visit s.
Bisitáhi (bisitáha) siya, Visit him.
{2} [b4] for the menstruation to come (slang).
Gibisitáhan tingáli siya kay pungtánun, She must be on the rag because she is in a bad mood.
iglisya n walking to the di?
erent churches in a town and praying in the evening of Maundy Thursday.
v [A; b6] perform the church visit.

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