TIP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

típ v [A; b] fasten with, apply adhesive tape.
Típi ang dinug-tungan sa wayir, Tape the wire joints.
n {1} adhesive tape.
{2} magnetic tape.
iskats Scotch tape.
ríkurd tape, tape record-ing.
v [A; c] make a tape recording.
Akuy mutipríkurd sa íyang diskursu, Ill make a tape recording of his speech.
rikurding n {1} tape recording session.
{2} tape recording.
v [C23] have a tape recording session.
Nagtiprikurding mi sa ámung ispits klas, We had a tape recording session in our speech class.
rikurdir n tape recorder.
v [A12] obtain a tape recorder.

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