DAYAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dayag a clearly visible, obvious.
Dayag dinhi ang Buhul, Bohol is visible from here.
Dayag ang íyang gugma nímu, His love for you is obvious.
Dayag na ang íyang kadaúgan, His victory is clear now.
na lang of course.
Dayag na lang nga mulában ku kay igsúun ku siya, Naturally, Ill take his side.
He is my brother.
v {1} [B] be visible, seen.
Nagdayag ang ímung kamisun, Your slip is showing.
{2} [c] tell s.
Daygan ku siya nga wà ku siya higugmáa, Ill tell him frankly that I dont love him.
pasun-() v [A; c] exhibit, show before an audience.
Nagpasundáyag ang sinihan ug malaw-ay nga salída, The movie house showed pornographic movies.
Kadásig nga íyang gipasundáyag, The enthusiasm he showed.
n presentation.
pasun-an n place where s.t.
is shown.
pa- v [A; c] reveal, make s.t.
pina- n {1} s.t.
made known.
{2} Book of Revelation.
dinayganay v [C] be frank with each other.
madinaygánun a open and frank.

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