KUYAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kuyaw a {1} frightful, dreadful.
Labihang kuyáwa ang ákung damgu gabíi, My dream last night was very dreadful.
{2} dan-gerous to the extent of inspiring fright.
Anáa sa kuyaw nga kahimtang ang pasyinti, The patient is in a critical condition.
Kuyaw ning tubíga kay húgaw, This water is dangerous because it is dirty.
Kuyaw ang dálan sa Tulídu, The road to Toledo is hazardous.
Kuyaw nà siyag masukù, That man is danger-ous when he gets angry.
{3} unusually skillful, awesome in his ability (slang).
Kuyaw nang tawhána mupingpung, That man plays pingpong frightfully well.
{3a} terribly, unusually good and attractive (slang).
Kuyaw ka manguyab bay, blúsil man, Youve got yourself a hell of a girl.
Shes an American.
v [A123P] feel scared, frightened.
Gikuyawan ku pagkahúlug nímu, I was frightened when you fell.
Gikuyawan ku dihang dihà na ku atubángan sa daghang táwu, I felt nervous when I was standing before a large audience.
paN- v [b8] be terribly fright-ened.
Gipanguyawan ku, I was frightened out of my wits.
pa-v [A; b6(1)] frighten s.
Mikalit ka lag labang sa karsáda, nag-pakuyaw ka lang nákù, You suddenly dashed across the street, giving me a terrible fright.
n s.t.
used to startle, scare, or frighten.
ka- n terror, fright.
kuyawkúyaw a for s.t.
grave to be touch-and-go.
Kuyawkúyaw pa malibri ba ang masakitun, Its touch-and-go if the patient will recover.
Kuyawkúyaw tung ákung iksámin, Its touch-and-go as to how I did on the exams.
v [A13; b4] feel apprehensive and nervous.
Hápit na ang ilik-siyun.
Gikuyawkuyáwan na ang mga kandidatu, Election is near and the candidates are now becoming troubled and uneasy.
- l-an(), -ánun a easily frightened.
v [B1256] be, become easily frightened.

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