BALI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bali a reversed, backwards.
Bali ang pagkasul-ub nang ímung sapátus, You put your shoes on backwards.
v {1} [A; a12] turn s.t.
Balihun nátung sinugbang isdà, Lets turn the fish were broiling over.
{2} [A; a12] plow the field the second time to turn the clods over (in place of harrowingpagkaras).
Magbali ta run arun kapugas ta ugmà, Lets plow the field the second time so we can plant tomorrow.
{3} [A2] for wind to change direction, switch party loyalty.
Mibali ang hángin, The wind changed direction.
Kun wà ku makabali sa Libiral, pildi ku, If I hadnt changed to the Liberal Party, I would have lost.
{4} [a12] be reversed, wrong side out, backwards.
Dì na mabali ang ákung hukum, My decision cannot be reversed.
Nabali na ang kalibútan kay ang babáyi mau nay mangulitáwu, The world has turned upside down because its the women who court the men now.
Nabali na ba nímu ang punda?
Have you turned the pillow cases inside out?
{5} [A23] ug pangutána respond to a question with another question instead of answering it.
{6} [C; a] be placed in opposite directions from each other.
Nagbáli silag higdà, They were lying head to foot.
Balíhun nátù pagbutang ang sapátus sa kartun, Lets put the shoes tip to toe in the box.
paN- v {1} [A23] put clothes on wrong side out or shoes backwards.
Namali ka man sa ímung sinínà, You have your clothes on inside out.
{2} turn cloth wrong side out.
Namali ku sa mga linabhan arun dílì hilubaran, I turned the wash inside out so it wouldnt fade.
balibáli v [A; a12] do first on one side and then on the other.
Ang íyang amahan mauy mibalibálig sagpà níya, Her father slapped her on both cheeks.
Gibalibáli níyag pas-an ang sag-ub, As he carried the water container he kept shifting it from shoulder to shoulder.
ug kasábà scold severely.
Balibalíhun bítaw siyag kasábà wà katíngug, He never said a word when he was scolded severely.
a reversible.
Ang ákung dyákit balibáli, I have a reversible jacket.
-in- v [A; a] speak in secret code, way.
Antígu ka ba nga mubinali?
Do you know how to speak Hog Latin?

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