LAPI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lápì v {1} [A; a12] bend or fold s.t.
over double.
Lapía ang panaptun ug adtu guntínga sa piniluan, Fold the cloth over and cut it in the fold.
{1a} [C3] for two flat surfaces to be close together as if there were only one.
Ábi kug usa ra ni ka písus.
Duha man diay, nagkalápì lang, I thought there was only one peso, but it turned out they are two bills stuck together.
{2} [B3(1)6] double, increase twofold or by extension, a few folds more.
Milápì (nalápì) ang prisyu karun sa tanang mga palitú-nun, The price of everything has doubled.
Anam-anamun ku ni pagbúhat arun dílì maglápì, I will do the work as it comes up so I wont have but one thing to do at a time.
{2a} [A12; a12] do s.t.
to two where one is usual.
Búang ka ug lapíun nímug pangulitáwu ang mga mag-ágaw, Youre crazy if you court both the cousins at the same time.
{3} [A; a] break s.t.
a plant by bending it over and twisting.
Maglápì lang kug ígù tilaubun, Ill pick just enough young corn to broil.
Putla, ayaw lapía ang pagkúhà sa sanga, Cut the branch o?
, dont break it o?
Malápì nang palwa ug ímung tungtúngan, The frond will break o?
if you step on it.
n {1} action of folding s.
t double.
{2} times in division.
Pila ka lápì ang unum sa trayinta?
How many times does six go into thirty?
() a coconuts with dry, oilless meat that is easily detached from its shell, and which has failed to sprout.
v [B2; b6] be, become a lapì coconut.
-an() n k.
coconut, the fronds and fruit bunches of which break o?

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