BANGGA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

banggà n {1} contest of any sort for a winner.
Akuy midaug sa banggà sa áwit, I won the singing contest.
{2} crash of vehicles bumping into each other.
Duhay patay sa banggà dihà sa iskína, Two people died in the crash on the corner.
v {1} [C; a] hold a contest.
{2} [AC; ab2] bump into s.t.
with force.
Mibanggà ang bátà níya, The child bumped into her.
Ang barku nakabanggà ug búya, The ship crashed into a buoy.
{3} [AN2; a2] meet goods before they reach the market to get them cheaper.
Adtu ta sa paradahan kay mamanggà ta ug utanun, Lets go to the bus stop and get vegetables.
maN-r-, maN-ay n buyers who meet and buy from a source before the goods reach the market.

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